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(800) 511-0747


Eye Injury from Consuming Elmiron

Eye Injury from Consuming Elmiron

Eye Injury from Consuming Elmiron

Taking medication to remedy ailments is the appropriate course of treatment for most patients. Upon receiving a doctor's prescription, you trust that the drugs are well manufactured and will not expose you to adverse side effects....

Elmiron Drug May Cause Vision Problems

Elmiron Drug May Cause Vision Problems

Elmiron Drug May Cause Vision Problems

Elmiron (Pentosan Polysulfate Sodium) is a popular prescription drug used to treat interstitial cystitis since the mid-90s. The use of Elmiron has been associated with an eye condition known as maculopathy. Anyone affected by this...

Do I Qualify for the Elmiron Lawsuit

Do I Qualify for the Elmiron Lawsuit

Do I Qualify for the Elmiron Lawsuit

The American Academy of Ophthalmology in a 2018 study, made the connection between Elmiron use and vision problems. The study was done on six patients who had used Elmiron for a long time, revealing similar damage to their...

Recall of Ethicon Surgical Staplers

Recall of Ethicon Surgical Staplers

Recall of Ethicon Surgical Staplers

Have you suffered complications or harm because of a defective surgical stapler? You are not alone. Most patients might have suffered the same complication from the medical device. Fortunately, you can recover the damages by joining...

New Information on Surgical Staplers

New Information on Surgical Staplers

New Information on Surgical Staplers

When it comes to less invasive surgeries, surgical staplers have proven to be fast and easier to use when cutting and sealing tissues or vessels. Many health providers prefer them because they avert wound edges facilitating healing....

Breast Implant & Cancer Lawsuit

Breast Implant & Cancer Lawsuit

Breast Implant & Cancer Lawsuit

Breast implants have been linked to a fatal immune system cancer known as BIA-ALCL (Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma). On 24th July 2019, FDA gave a recall notification for Biocell breast implantations...

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Defective Devices

Contact Consumer Alert Now for a Free Case Review

Drug and device manufacturers have a duty to create safe products and warn consumers about related risks. Unfortunately, they don’t always do that.

If you’ve been injured by a defective drug or medical device, Consumer Alert Now can connect you with lawyers in this field who can let you know if you have a case.

Contact Consumer Alert Now today at (800) 511-0747 or fill out our online contact form.

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